Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mint Chip Trip

Maybe I've mentioned that the Somm's grammy gave me an ice cream maker last time we were down for a visit. I never thought I could get into the swing of thinking ahead enough to make the ice cream a full day before I wanted it, but here I am.

The first batch, just in time for the wisdom teeth sayonara was salted caramel, which knocked me for a serious loop and made me (very temporarily) forget the gaping holes in the back of my mouth.

For the second batch, I pillaged our front herb box for three fat cups of fresh mint, and I made mint chip that is, frankly, astounding. I couldn't believe that so much wildly fresh mint flavor would actually infuse into the cream--nevermind lend it a pretty, pale green color. I'm going to go eat some right now.

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